Sunday, August 21, 2016

Week of Aug. 22 - Aug. 29

Monday - 1 (Art)
Tuesday - 2 (STEM)
Wednesday - 3 (Technology)
Thursday - 4 (Library)
Friday - 5 (Music)

Upcoming Events & Reminders
August 24 - Our class will be taking the Reading portion of MAP at 8am on this date. Rest up on Tuesday night! :)
August 29 - 1st Grade Curriculum Night. 
September 5 - NO SCHOOL!

September 6 - PTA Family Night @ Chick Fil A in the mall
September 8 - Jon Agee Author Visit (You'll be receiving information regarding this in your blue folder)
September 14 - Field Trip to Evan's Orchard (More info soon!)
September 19-23 - Bookfair. Grandparents' Lunch will be during this week, too! Dates TBD
October 4 - PTA family Night @ Burger - Fi!

Useful Links
First Grade Curriculum Night: Click here to RSVP! :)

 Sign up for Remind texts with this link! 

Also, please consider completing the picture permission slip for me to include pictures of your child working hard in our classroom!

Wish List items:
*magnetic tape (it looks like a tape dispenser but the tape is magnetic!)

Kid-Friendly Objectives
I can write to tell a story.
I can read, write, and identify short o words.
I can check my sentences using COPS.
I can ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
I can make a number in many ways.

Week in Review
What another fun week in first grade! This week, we did a little bit of review in phonics! We started off with a review of short a word families (-at, -an, -am, -ap, -ag). 
We passed posters around our tables in a relay to see who could come up with the most words!

We warmed up our storytelling muscles with Show and Share this week. Your first graders practiced Speaking and Listening skills like introducing themselves, telling a story with details, and asking and answering questions about the stories they heard.

After each story, we had the opportunity to write about something we remembered hearing...on whiteboards!

 We learned the first option for Daily 5 this week: Read to Self.
 We learned the three ways to read a book because we keep the same books in our boxes for a whole week.
We practiced Read to Self every day to build our stamina. Our goal is to make it to 15 minutes and we are already up to 4:30!

We practiced the importance of think time with some more Think, Pair, Share. We are becoming experts at taking turns to speak. 

We practiced subtilizing in math this week to become more fluent with number recognition. We practiced finding numbers within number patterns, seeing a number and adding 1 more, and seeing a number and adding 2 more.
These two were using the masterful technique of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" to determine who goes first in the game...and who gets to write on the TABLE! 

 We celebrated a birthday girl with ice cream! :)

Our first grade vocabulary word was respect. We studied books like:

All of these texts helped us to have meaningful conversations about what is kindness and how we can show it to others. 

To help us gain a visual, I cut out a plain, simple heart. Everyone in the classroom had the opportunity to crumple, rip, stomp, do anything they want. Afterwards, I asked the class to help me make it look the way it did before we crumpled it. Obviously, we were unsuccessful. This is exactly what it is like in the classroom whenever others use mean or hateful language to another friend. We talked about how every time we use a mean word to another person, it causes a wrinkle in their heart. We can try to smooth it out and it will get a little bit better, but the damage will always be there. This is the heart we signed and hang in our classroom to remind us every day that "It's OK to be different."

Here are a few of our friends showing us which rule they believe is the most important at school!

Have a great week!!


  1. Thank you very much for sharing this, I enjoyed it! I love seeing how the kids work, how they spend their day, and the activities they do. I was glad to see Anthony in the background in some pictures :)
    Thank you very much for this blog! it is awesome!!
    You are doing a great job!


  2. You have created such a beautiful window into Sadie's school world! I love that you are chronicling it all for us. Love you, Mrs. Carney!-Michelle Hanson
