Sunday, March 25, 2018

March 26-30, 2018

Monday - 1
Tuesday - 2
Wednesday -3
Thursday - 4
Friday - 5

*Reference the brochure you received on Welcome to Wellington Night to know what each day is for specials!*

Upcoming Events & Reminders
April 2-6 - SPRING BREAK
April 18 - Spring Pictures
April 19 - Cincinnati Zoo Field Trip
April 20 - 3rd 9 weeks Awards 10:00 (I will contact you if your child is receiving an award)
April 24, 26 - POSSIBLE MAP Testing days
April 28 - Spring Carnival
May 14-31 - KPREP Testing Window
May 31 - Last day, pending School Board Review

Weekly Standards
I can read, write, and identify words with the variant u spelling (ui, u_e, ou).
I can expand simple sentences.
I can identify an author's point and reasons to support it.
I can partition shapes into halves and fourths.
I can write facts about a topic.

Spelling Words

Week in Review
This week's post focuses on math and writing. :)
Your kids have had fun exploring with 2d and 3d shapes this week! In first grade, we spend a lot of time talking about how you can use shapes to compose other shapes. 
 To get started, we just had fun playing with shapes. Every kid knows how to do that! :)

 Check out her cat!
And this puppy!
 In groups, we had the chance to design specific shapes and talk about which shapes we used to compose it.
 We then progressed into composing other 2d shapes. We used task cards to help guide us through this process. It was a big challenge!

We also wrapped up our fictional narratives this week!

 My favorite part about ending a new book is getting to share it with our fellow authors in the classroom! The kids had so much fun picking their partners and sharing their books.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

March 19-23, 2018

Monday - 3
Tuesday - 4
Wednesday -5
Thursday - 6
Friday - Nonrotation

*Reference the brochure you received on Welcome to Wellington Night to know what each day is for specials!*

Upcoming Events & Reminders
March 19-20 - Learning Checks. Our schedule will be slightly different during these days.
March 23 - Arty Party (Nonrotation)
March 23 - Report Cards go home
April 2-6 - SPRING BREAK
April 18 - Spring Pictures
April 19 - Cincinnati Zoo Field Trip
April 20 - 3rd 9 weeks Awards 10:00 (I will contact you if your child is receiving an award)
April 24, 26 - POSSIBLE MAP Testing days
April 28 - Spring Carnival
May 14-31 - KPREP Testing Window

Weekly Standards
I can read, write, and identify words with the variant u spelling (oo, ew, ue).
I can correctly use and identify conjunctions.
I can identify an author's purpose.
I can compose 2d and 3d shapes.
I can write facts about a topic.

Spelling Words

Week in Review
We have been working HARD these past 2 weeks! In reading, your kids have been doing some difficult work!
We have been studying a variety of fairy tales:
While studying Little Red Riding Hood, here are some of the versions we've read:
We worked hard to compare information about the texts using some giant hula hoops to create a Venn Diagram!
This week, we focused mostly on obtaining extra information from the illustrations in a text using Cinderella!

In math, we started working on the attributes of shapes.
In this collection, there is a story titled "The Lost Button." We read this story to prepare us for how we can describe shapes.

But first, we sorted buttons!

One of our friends created this group. Can you tell what the matching attribute was?

By the end of the week, we were able to create groups of shapes with matching attributes. We used these shapes to construct houses for our leprechauns! It was TOUGH but the kids had so much fun doing it.
We ended our week with a visit from some very special dancers to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!

Sunday, March 11, 2018

March 12-16, 2018

Monday - 5
Tuesday - 6
Wednesday -1
Thursday - 2
Friday - 3

*Reference the brochure you received on Welcome to Wellington Night to know what each day is for specials!*

Upcoming Events & Reminders
March 16 - school is IN SESSION
April 2-6 - SPRING BREAK
April 19 - Cincinnati Zoo Field Trip
May 31 - Last Day for Students

Weekly Standards
I can read, write, and identify r controlled vowels and diphthongs.
I can correctly use and identify prepositions in sentences.
I can get information from illustrations in the text.
I can identify a shape and its attributes.
I can write a fictional story.

Spelling Words

Sight Words
review from February and March

Sunday, March 4, 2018

March 5-9, 2018

Monday - 6
Tuesday - 1
Wednesday -2
Thursday - 3
Friday - 4

*Reference the brochure you received on Welcome to Wellington Night to know what each day is for specials!*

Upcoming Events & Reminders
March 8 - First Grade Field Trip to Lexington Children's Theater
March 16 - school is IN SESSION

Weekly Standards
I can read, write, and identify words with oi and oy.
I can correctly sort and categorize words based on similarities and differences.
I can compare the adventures of characters in stories.
I can use strategies to correctly subtract two digit numbers.
I can write a fictional story.

Spelling Words

Sight Words

Week in Review
Our week started off with a continuation of our double digit addition strategies. These kids are really doing a great job coming up with the strategies that work best for them and their mental math!

We celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday with Read Across America week! We read so many of his books and had fun expressing our creativity. Here, our kiddos are sharing the "thinks they can think!"

We cracked up reading "And to Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street!"

We came up with our own version of what we "saw" at Wellington as a class. The next morning, each kiddo got to create an individual page that is going to go into a class book!

We shared our wild side with our crazy outfits:

And we had a special guest reader from WKYT!

To end our week, we had a guest reader named Claude from Love on a Leash. Claude is a therapy dog and he certainly helped to make us all smile on Friday!

I will show you so many of our fun experiences from the Explorium at our end of year celebration! For now, here is a class picture :)

Have a great week!