Monday, August 17, 2015

What's Coming Up?

Monday: 3
Tuesday: 4
Wednesday: 5
Thursday: 6
Friday: No school! Enjoy a long weekend :)

Upcoming Events:
August 20th - PTA Ice Cream Social & Brief Meeting 6:00-7:30 at Shillito Park (Mr. Carney and I will be there with our puppy Max!)
September 7th - No school
September 21 - 25th - Book Fair!

Kid-Friendly Objectives:
I can identify short vowel sounds in single syllable words.
I can identify the sound each letter makes.
I can answer questions about key details in the story.
I can explain that asking questions is an important comprehension strategy.
I can ask and answer questions about a topic.
I can ask and answer questions about the text.
I can identify and follow agreed upon rules for discussion.
I can print all uppercase letters correctly. (ongoing)
I can print all lowercase letters correctly. (ongoing) 
I can write a simple telling sentence.
I can read and write 0 to 10 in numbers and words.
I can compare two sets of objects by using one-to-one correspondence.
I can identify the set that has more, fewer, or the same number of objects. 
I can identify the number that is greater than or less than another number.

PHEW! Your first grader will be learning a lot this week :)

What happened today?
We had so much fun reading David Goes to School.

He helped us learn what NOT to do:

and what we should do:

We also worked on building our stamina today! Part of Daily 5 is building Stamina to Read to Self every day! We talked about how we can read a book:

and what the first graders' jobs are and what Mrs. Carney's job is during Read to Self.

Then we got to practice!
Henry chose to read with Moose!

Wyatt got focused at his desk.

Shade started working on his stamina on the floor!

Leah got to practice with Pig by showing us how to lay on the chairs...upside down!

Remember, you can always fill out the picture permission slip if you'd like to see your first grader featured on the blog. :)

We also learned how to count the "Math Way" today. Practice counting like this at home (I know I'll be practicing until I get used to it!)

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